Development is slowly continuing...

I’m afraid I’m losing my sense of touch in English.
So pardon me if my writing makes you feel like pouring livid tears out of your eyeballs, okay?
Where shall I begin?
From Blanket Island,
or any other names I conjured up before Hop Island came to be,
(still wip, for the record),
this game has had quite a long history, which I'd like to share.
The love this game has received from myself, and not the players mind you, has been quite little lately.
From players, actually, I’m pretty amazingly and fantastically impressed.
By the numbers that played this game has accumulated,
and numbers don’t count much to me,
but from those who encouraged me and gave me feedback
and told me stuff to change here and there,
that made me feel things.
Things that,
in truth,
are very nice to feel.
Even if someone hated the game,
a good piece of feedback would often suffice to make me feel nice.
that appreciation aside,
I thought I’d have finished this by now.
But as they say,
and quite cliche’d at this point,
Rome wasn’t built in a single day.
So development begun about a year ago.
And I’d thought 3 months were enough would suffice.
One month was down.
Then another.
And another.
The idea that I was wrong would indeed be correct at this point.
To add a little salt to injury, I’m somewhat sure it’ll take a lot longer.
What started off as a simple Undertale clone,
quipped with quirky characters and adventurous quests with puzzles
veered off into a unique island of something I’d call puzzle design.
Since then, I haven’t turned back.
Lost in this place, I’ll say I really like,
puzzle design is fun, confuddling, infuriating and sometimes quite blissful.
And this game was my first attempt at that.
At probing into this world;
simply trying out puzzle design.
And it helped me venture forth as I learned game development more and more.
Making this game has been quite a ruckus.
I took a six months break worth of gamejams to experiment with more puzzle games and it was really fun.
The gameplay in this is simple,
and the demo is outdated,
but the game’s development is slowly getting back on it’s feet
and my recollections of all the things I found out making gamejam games is coming to my aid.
So that’s all I have.
I thank you for reading thus far.
This was a slight attempt at getting back into writing.
I’ve not practised and I’m getting somewhat sloppy. My spelling is jagged and my descriptions sound very cold and corporate (which is a writing style I somewhat loathe).
Anyway, sincerely, if you’ve played the game, thanks.
I mean it sincerely.
I also thank my creator for keeping me at this; my health has had it’s ups and down but I’ve been doing well overall.
Potatoimaginator, I thank that guy, for tutorials helped me quite a lot, and with the tic80 community for providing many many tutorials and material to learn from, as well as the love2d community and unity guys, as well as the many many playtesters and twitch and youtube people like Artindi, Vimlark and Bluishgreen for helping me pinpoint a good direction of the game.
Also for the guys who’ve put this game and others in your collections, I’m grateful.
You continue to inspire people to make stuff. The fact that you follow people or put stuff in collections is something that helps people have the motivation to keep making stuff. I’ll continue striving to make unique experiences that I can, and will continue appreciating you. If you find something horrid, feel free to let me know.
Also if you like something in the game, also feel free to let me know.
Usually, and especially for gamejam games, I won’t be aiming to make something really polished and the fact that people are there just saying something or pushing the games into collections (even if you are one person), I truly appreciate you.
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